BEAM EMail Archive: The Old Stuff

Where doth true fortune lie?
Where doth true fortune lie?
This property was reserved by

A really Hoopy Frood kind of guy


September 6, 2000
And he has NO clue why it has received as many hits as it has. Weird, huh?

A Famous Dead French Dude
Actually, the amazing thing is visiting Waterloo where Napoleon lost his last big battle. For some silly reason, they scraped up all of the local country side and built a huge hill with some sort of memorial on top (no doubt to Wellington). This has p*ssed the crap out of modern day historical archaelogists because buried among all of that dirt is the evidence that might have led to a better understanding of that incredibly confusing fight.
I will be moving my belongings (as if I had any) in shortly.

In the meantime why not check out the link below to get your own free webspace? It will only cost you a small portion of your soul! (sorry fortunecity people -- merely a small joke, ok?)

My email: [email protected]
I would LOVE to know why there were originally a bunch of windows....
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